The following table will show a rough estimate for when you should have certain things completed. The dates that prelectures are due are the same dates that you should have read the entire chapter. Even though the homeworks are not due until shortly before the exam, you should be working on them as your class progresses through each chapter. This is a rough date of when you should be done with a chapter and moving on to the next so as not to fall behind and become overwhelmed.

There are certain sections noted in the far right column which may be covered in class, but will not be explicitly tested on exams.

Chapter Read and   Prelecture Complete By Weeks Covered Homework and CQ   Complete by Omitted from   Exams
21 20-Jan 1-2 25-Jan 21.7
22 27-Jan 3 1-Feb
23 3-Feb 4 8-Feb
24 10-Feb 5 15-Feb 24.5, 24.6
Midterm 1 covering Ch 21-23 on Monday   17-Feb
25 17-Feb 6 22-Feb 25.6
26 24-Feb 7 1-Mar 26.3 (See Below),   26.5
27 3-Mar 8 8-Mar 27.7 (See Below),   27.8 and 27.9
Spring Break March 10-14
28 17-Mar 9 22-Mar
Midterm 2 covering Ch 24-26 on Monday 24-March
29 24-Mar 10 29-Mar 29.6, 29.8
30 31-Mar 11 5-Apr 30.6
32 7-Apr 12 12-Apr 32.5
Midterm 3 covering Ch 27-30 on Monday 14-Apr
31 11-Nov (No   Prelecture) 13
Review/Instructor   Discretion 14
Comprehensive Exam covering Ch 21-30 and 32 on Friday 25-Apr
26.3 -- This section deals with real voltmeters and ammeters. Students are not responsible for how these work on exams. They are still responsible for how ideal voltmeters and ammeters work as described in Chapter 25.4.

27.7 -- Only the part of this section in the headings "Magnetic Dipole in a Nonuniform Magnetic Field" and "Magnetic Dipoles and How Magnets Work" are omitted from exams.